Pirate Figure Completed
Well, here it is. The completed figure at last. I have to say this one was a real joy to paint. Sometimes it was a pain due to all the detail Alan sculpted into the figure but well worth the effort.The Gold used for the buttons and hand guard was printers ink mixed with the clear carrier from Testors Gold enamel.
The figure is mounted to the resin hull by means of two very small pins. One in the toe of the left food and the other in the heel of the right. I epoxied the feet into the hull then used the wire rope Alan provided to secure the figure even more. The rope is secured to the hull in back of the rail and glued onto the hand. The whole thing is quite strong. I must admit I was a bit worried about this at first but now feel very confident it will hold up. The hull was painted with acrylics.
Pirate Figure in progress (side by side)
The sash and the trousers have been painted in this photo. The paint used for the trousers also dried very glossy. I decided to apply my dullcoat a bit early since I was going to photograph this figure for the purpose of these updates. The photo shows a side by side comparison between the glossy (left) figure and the figure with the dullcoat (right) applied. There is a big difference in the two. It's much easier to see where the highlights and shadows are in the dullcoated figure. The sash was painted with Winsor Newton Basic Red. Highlighted with Cadmium Red and top HL's with Cadmium Scarlet. The trousers were painted with Winsor Newton Venetian Red shaded with Burnt Umber and highlighted with Naples Yellow. The bright lights washed out some of the contrast in the sash and trousers.